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Six healthy breakfasts for weight loss

We hear it on the news everyday…breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Yet so many people skip breakfast, or if they do eat it, pick wrong. But breakfast doesn’t have to mean boring and tasteless! There are many delicious…

Is the Lighter Runner the Better Runner?

Many runners have engraved this message into their brains: The lighter I am, the better I will perform. While lugging around excess flab can indeed slow you down, many dieting runners are already lean for their genetics—yet may yearn to be…

How to Easily Improve Your Nutrition

Eating the right food is the most important step you can take in ensuring that you stay healthy. These days there are so many unhealthy food choices that surround us all the time that it can be difficult resisting the temptation. Some…

How to Set Realistic Body Goals (and Achieve Them)

Sometimes during peoples’ busy lives they suddenly have an epiphany. They ‘wake up’ and say, ‘Things need to change - I need to get my act together.’ Perhaps they have had one hangover too many, or their doctor has warned them they are at…

What Can CBD Oil Be Used For?

Over the last few years, CBD has been widely used by everyone. Many studies have been focused on finding beneficial uses of CBD. Furthermore, it is now made easily accessible with a lot of options to utilize. You can utilize cannabidiol in…

The ABC’s of Sports Nutrition

Believe it or not, eating a good sports diet can be simple. Yet too many runners have created a complex and confusing eating program with good and bad foods, lots of rules, and plenty of guilt. Let’s get back to the basics and enjoy…

Sports Nutrition: What Runners Should Be Eating

As a runner, you often wonder whether to eat whole grains, fruits, carbs, or proteins after a workout. By knowing what to eat and when to eat it, you can have an edge when running. The proper diet will build up your stamina and make you…

Runners, Injuries & Nutrition

Runners get injured. Seems like it’s part of the deal. Be it a torn ACL, Achilles tendonitis, or a pulled muscle, the questions arise: What can I eat to recover faster? Would more vitamins be helpful? What about