How to Choose a Running Watch

Running watches are popular due to their many uses. A built-in GPS, keeping track of time, and various stats make them used by marathon runners and joggers alike. You might be interested in getting a running watch but don’t know which one to choose from.

Rocky Mountain National Park and Nearby National Forests to Stay Closed

Rocky Mountain National Park and National Forests will stay closed for now from wildfires. The Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests remain closed due to fire concerns despite significant snowfall at the beginning of the week that halted growth of the East Troublesome fire and its movement in Rocky…

Boston Marathon Will Not Be Held in April, 2021

The Boston Marathon will not be held on its traditional Patriots Day date in 2021, the Boston Athletic Association announced Wednesday. The organization is aiming to reschedule the race for later in the year, possibly in the fall, and plans to announce a new date by the end of 2020.