The Athlete’s Kitchen: ADHD, Runners & Appetite Issues

Many teens and adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are good runners. In elementary school, they may not have been good at sitting quietly, but they certainly could excel at sports. Many found exercise had a calming,…

Moab’s Winter Sun 10K…A Winter Wonderland!

Temperatures in the low twenties on Saturday brought out over 400 bundled runners for the 31st annual Winter Sun 10K. Dewayne Miner, 42, of New Castle, Colorado, edged out Kevin Donoher of Grand Junction with a winning time of 33:20.…

Quality Sports Nutrition Information: At your Fingertips

The Internet offers an amazing array of sports nutrition information—but it also contributes to great confusion. Many runners complain to me about information overload; they have no idea whom to believe and how to determine which websites…

More Coloradans Tell Their Boston Marathon Stories

Sixty-two Colorado runners started the Boston Marathon on Monday, but never made it to the finish line. Margaret Shugrue of Arvada was less than a mile from the finish when the explosions occurred.

WINTER NUTRITION: Fueling for Cold Weather Exercise

If you are a winter runner, you want to pay careful attention to your sports diet. Otherwise, lack of food and fluids can take the fun out of your outdoor activities. These tips can to help you fuel wisely for cold weather workouts.

Sports Meals And Snacks: Fueling Hungry Runners

Picking the perfect menu to enhance your performance can be a difficult task. While many athletes know the words carbs, proteins and fats, they often don’t know how  to translate those words into food choices. Hence, the goal of this…