Tips for Recovery After a Race

Photo by Capstone Events on Unsplash

Whether you have just completed your first 5k or are training for your next marathon, race day recovery is essential to keep you from being sore or developing injuries.

Running in Colorado, in general, can be difficult because of the altitude, but here are a few tips to keep you happy and healthy after the big day.

Keep Walking After the Finish Line

It doesn’t matter if you run the entire time or walk-run intervals; sitting down after the race is a bad idea. If you immediately sit down, your muscles will get stiff, causing you to be sore the next day.

However, if you continue to walk once you pass the finish line, your muscles will continue to stretch because they are not staying in one position for too long. If you don’t want to walk around after your race, stay standing at a minimum.

Massage Muscles

A trained massage therapist uses massage tools to ease tension in your muscles. This promotes recovery and helps you remain supple.

Some massage techniques are quite gentle and are a great treat after your hard work. Others involve realignment that can feel intense and even painful during the massage, but you’ll feel the benefits when it’s done! 

The most important thing is to work with a trained masseuse who uses the best techniques and tools.

Take a Cool Bath

Once you get home, it is a good idea to take a cool bath. You do not have to take an ice bath; soak your legs in cool tap water for 15 to 20 minutes after a long run to help your muscles relax naturally.

Cold water has regenerative powers, so your muscles will start to repair themselves while soaking in the bath. It can also help prevent muscle damage.

Stay Active Throughout the Day

While it is essential to rest your body on the big day, it is also important to go on a few walks to ensure your muscles do not become stiff. Sitting all day after a race will cause your blood to pool into your lower legs, which can cause swelling and pain.

Regular 15 to 30-minute walks after a race should be enough to keep your blood pumping and muscles working. After a race, the worst thing to do is sit or lie around all day.

Stay Hydrated

The most important thing to do on race day to recover properly is to drink lots of water. If you do not typically drink much water during a race, make sure you replenish your body with water or a sports drink afterward.

Right after your race, you may be very thirsty, but replenishing slowly is important. It is best to only drink 27oz of water up to an hour after a marathon.

Rest for a Few Days

For the next few days after a race, you need to give your body time to recover. It would help if you still took short walks throughout the day, but do not try running long distances until three days after the race.

After taking a cool bath, it may also be a good idea to take a quick nap to let your muscles start repairing themselves. Make sure you get plenty of sleep the night after a race and for a few days after as well.


Running in Colorado is a challenge even for local athletes. Building up your stamina to run a race is difficult, and you don’t want to lose all your training after race day because you did not recover well.

Follow these tips after your next race to make sure you keep your stamina up and heart pumping!

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