Frosty’s Frozen 5 mile and 10 mile to be held Virtually


The 16th annual Frosty’s Frozen 5 mile and 10 mile will be held as a virtual only event this year due to COVID restrictions. Runners and walkers can register for $20 at: You can also learn more about the event online at:

The virtual event includes a Frosty’s medal and a neck gaiter for $20 with free shipping included. When registering, there is also an option to add on a Frosty’s shirt for an additional $10.

Participants can pick to run a 5 mile, a 10 mile, or a ‘double’ and complete both distances. After running or walking, participants can upload their results online.

We hope to return in 2022 for a Winter Distance Series in Littleton with your favorite winter running races – the Santa Stampede 5k and 10k, the Frosty’s Frozen 5 and 10 milers and the Snowman Stampede 5k, 10k and half marathon!

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