Issue 52 (March/April 2012)


Issue52_March.inddEvent Guide, The Trials, And Twitter

Welcome to our annual event guide! We have compiled a list of 700 running and multisport races in and around the state. The calendar begins with March and continues through December, 2012. From women’s only events to mud runs, there are a lot of new, fabulous races to try. The most popular distance on the calendar is the 5K. At 3.1 miles, it’s a good distance to attempt, whether you’re testing your speed or just getting back into shape. And remember, you can always access our free online event calendar at to plan for any additions or adjustments to race schedules throughout the year.

In January, I was on hand to watch and report on the men’s and women’s Olympic marathon team trials in Houston, Texas. It was a thrilling race covering a three-loop course through the streets of the city, showcasing the nation’s finest marathoners. The Colorado contingent was impressive, with many local runners posting career best times. Check out page 40 for pictures and a wrap-up of the event.

During the event, I used Twitter to post results and pictures of the race as it occurred. As a regular Twitter reader, I am constantly asked by those who have not joined the craze, “What is Twitter?” Twitter is a social networking website that allows anyone to create a free account and write short “Tweets” that are up to 140 characters. Many users are individuals who write about their life, while other users are businesses that update news headlines throughout the day.

You can follow your friends on Twitter, or you can follow famous celebrities, like Britney Spears, or politicians, like President Barack Obama. You can follow news organizations, like CNN, or magazines like Colorado Runner. One of the top athletes who Tweets is cyclist Lance Armstrong. He writes about where he’s traveling and what workouts he’s doing. You can follow us on Twitter: @colrunner.

Here are a few runners and triathletes you can try following.

Amanda Lovato – @amandalovato
Matt Reed – @boomboomreed
Bernard Lagat@lagat1500
Matt Tegenkamp – @MattTegenkamp
Brent Vaughn – @DadVaughn
Matthew Centrowitz – @MattCentrowitz
Dathan Ritzenhein – @djritzenhein
Meb Keflezighi@runmeb
Galen Rupp@G_Rupp
Michael Lovato – @michaellovato
Haile Gebrselassie – @HaileGebr
Mo Farah – @Mo_Farah
Heather Utrata – @heatherutrata
Nick Symmonds – @nsymm800
Helen Cospolitch – @helenultrarun
Paula Radcliffe – @paulajradcliffe
Hunter Kemper@hunterkemper
Ryan Hall – @ryanhall3
James Carney – @JamesCarney24
Sara Hall – @SaraHall3
Jenny Simpson – @trackjenny
Sara Vaughn – @MomVaughn
Joanna Zeiger – @joannazeiger
Scott Jurek – @scottjurek
Josh Cox@joshcox
Shalane Flanagan – @ShalaneFlanagan
Kara Goucher@karagoucher
Tim Nelson – @ThatRunnerGuy
Laura Bennett – @LauraRBennett
Tyler McCandless – @TrackTy
Lauren Fleshman@laurenfleshman
Wendy Thomas – @runningrookie11
Mario Macias – @SuperMaaario
Usain Bolt – @usainbolt

Derek Griffiths

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