Issue 9 (January/February 2005)


Issue912 Stupid Things Nonrunners Say To Runners

As runners and endurance athletes, we inevitably have to listen to our nonrunning friends and family members express their horror over our training habits, our personal hygiene, and our eating schedules. We train for countless hours each week, yet they still don’t understand the distance of a marathon nor our dedication to complete one. Here are a few things that the staff at Colorado Runner has heard a nonrunning friend say in the last year.

On marathoning…
1. How far is that marathon?
2. You’re running Boston? Is that your first marathon?
3. 26 miles? I don’t even like to drive that far.
4. Congratulations on the Chicago Marathon. Did you win?

On nutrition…
5. Do you know how many carbs are in that?
6. You only weigh 150 pounds? I haven’t weighed that little since junior high!
During the middle of a race…
7. You’re almost there! You’re looking good! The finish is just around the corner!

On training…
8. I don’t run unless I’m being chased.
9. You ran up that?
10. Yeah, back in high school I ran a mile in three minutes.
11. Look Karlyn! That man’s wearing a bra! (When it’s clearly your heart rate monitor strap)
12. I couldn’t run two blocks without getting winded.

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