Roscos Runners


Roscos Runners is a group of like minded runners of all paces and distances, No pace is too slow (or fast) no distance is too short (or too long) We’ve never heard of a “Fake Runner”! Seriously we have folks who run anywhere form 7:30 m/mi to 12:30 m/mi and there are folks who will walk.

Rosco’s Runners meets in and around Colorado Springs on Saturdays for our weekly long run and most Sundays for a shorter trail run.  We enjoy getting together at Rosco’s Coffee House post long run and enjoy a 10% discount on everything in the store (drinks and Merchandise). Once you have reach 5 runs and had 5 coffees with us you get a free Rosco’s Runners tech T-shirt!

We try and get our beloved mascot Rosco and his two buddies, Mordecai and Cash (yes we actually run with donkeys) out once a month during the warmer months for a group run on the trails where members are welcome (and encouraged) to take a turn with the lead rope.  We provide instruction and guidance on how to properly run with a burro!

To find out more information and to be added to our Facebook Group, please contact Kevin:

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