Criteria For Race Inclusion Into The Colorado Runner Racing Series

The Colorado Runner Racing Series is a scored series of premier races throughout the state. We choose the list of events to be in the series each November. Each race in the series will get free advertising on the Racing Series page of each issue of Colorado Runner as well as a link back on the Racing Series webpage on the Colorado Runner website. We also send out email notifications to participants in the racing series events, informing them of the series, the results and the current standings. This is also another form of free advertising for the event.

We have a certain criteria that we use to consider races for the series:

  1. Location – Each year, the series must consist of events through the state. While the majority of the events will be located in the Denver Metro area do to population density, at least 25% of the events will be located outside this area.
  2. Race Organization – Events that have a history of good organization will have priority over other events. Races must have at least a two year history before being considered.
  3. Race Distance – While the majority of the events in the series will be of the 5K distance, there will also be races included up to the half marathon distance. No marathon’s or ultra-distance events will be included, though we may accept trail races if the other criteria are met. We will only choose one distance per event. If an event has both a 5K and a 10K, only one of the distances will be included in the series.
  4. Date of the Event – Events must fall between January and early October.
  5. Quality of the field – Races with quality competition will have priority.
  6. Size of the race – Events less than 300 finishers will not be included. This is for the included distance at an event, not the entire event.
  7. Prior Marketing Relationship – Events which have advertised with Colorado Runner in the past will have priority over other events.
  8. Race Database – All races included in the series must provide Colorado Runner with the names and emails of the race participants after the event. This allows us to inform the participants about the Colorado Runner Racing Series and the current standings.

If your event would like to be considered for inclusion in the Colorado Runner Racing Series, please contact us.