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Expert Nutrition Tips for Avid Runners

If you are a runner, food acts as fuel and it plays a critical role in determining your performance and energy levels. Whether you prefer short jogging distances or you are a marathon runner, you must know the right type of food to consume,…

Is the Lighter Runner the Better Runner?

Many runners have engraved this message into their brains: The lighter I am, the better I will perform. While lugging around excess flab can indeed slow you down, many dieting runners are already lean for their genetics—yet may yearn to be…

How to Easily Improve Your Nutrition

Eating the right food is the most important step you can take in ensuring that you stay healthy. These days there are so many unhealthy food choices that surround us all the time that it can be difficult resisting the temptation. Some…

Sports Nutrition: What Runners Should Be Eating

As a runner, you often wonder whether to eat whole grains, fruits, carbs, or proteins after a workout. By knowing what to eat and when to eat it, you can have an edge when running. The proper diet will build up your stamina and make you…

Winning the War Against Snack Attacks

Day after day, I hear runners complain about their (seemingly) uncontrollable snacking habits. Some believe they are hopelessly, and helplessly, addicted to chocolate. Others believe eating between meals is sinful and fattening;…

Runners Should Trust Thirst, New Study Says

If you’ve ever run a marathon, half-marathon, or any other long race, you’ve undoubtedly had a hydration plan: a detailed assessment of what you intend to drink, when you intend to drink it, and how you intend to obtain it. But a paper in…

Intestinal Distress: Gutting It Out

While some runners have cast iron stomachs and few concerns about what and when they eat before they exercise, others live in fear of pre-exercise fuel contributing to undesired pit stops during their workouts. Be it stomach rumbling, a…

Nutrition Tactics for Building Muscles

Once you have a good training program, you can then integrate optimal fueling tactics into your sports diet. Keep in mind the benefits of adding muscle need to exceed any potential slow-down in speed related

Eating Clean: Unintended Consequences

The clean eating movement has raised a lot of questions about what you should and should not be eating. I hear runners chatter a lot about good (nutrient dense) foods, bad (nutrient poor) foods, and clean foods. Hence, if you are feeling…