Issue 13 (September/October 2005)


issue13My Most Memorable Running Moment

Fall marathon season is here! Choosing to run that first marathon is a life-changing experience. For me, my first attempt at 26.2 was a test of will, a challenge of endurance and a lesson in love.

I was a college senior training for a marathon with friends. I had already raced several half marathons, but putting in the long training miles for the marathon distance was a much bigger challenge. As the months wore on, all of my friends quit training. I was discouraged, but my sort-of boyfriend convinced me to go for it anyway. In fact, he registered me for the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington D.C., a race that he was training to run.

I trained in earnest in the weeks leading up to the race, but as the final days approached, I was scared senseless. Would I be able to finish? Would I get a leg cramp or a side stitch? The night before the marathon, I knew I should have loaded up on carbs, but I was so worried that I couldn’t even eat dinner, a truly rare experience for me, a food aficianado!

My attitude changed as race morning dawned. I was filled with excitement as the starter’s gun blasted. The miles began to stretch by… a long moment by a lake, a tough crawl over a bridge, a choppy stride, uneven breathing, Yikes – a short but steep hill, Ouch – sports bra chafing, and finally, finally, A FINISH!

In just more than four hours, I crossed the line with aching legs and soggy hair. I was elated and amazed that I had really done it. Waiting with a sweaty embrace at the finisher’s chute, Derek, who is now my husband, had stood for more than an hour so he could cheer me on. I had someone to share in my excitement… someone who had passed up an opportunity for food and drink for himself so he could watch me fulfill my dream. I knew right then, anyone who would skip the beer tent to tell me that I looked beautiful after I had run for more than four hours, well, that was someone worth keeping.

Happy trails!

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